header end -- home unternehmen leistungen außenputz stuckarbeiten innendämmung trockenbau brandschutz projekte kontakt impressum herzlich willkommen beim stukkateurmeisterbetrieb ostermann gbr als moderner meisterbetrieb, führen wir das ganze leistungsspektrum des stuckateurs aus. von der herstellung und sanierung von innen- und außenputz, innendämmung sowie den gesamten trockenbau, akustikbau und den vorbeugenden baulichen brandschutz aus. aktuelle projekte in arbeit befindene baustelle. altbau sanierung münster wdv system mit steinwolle und einem dickschichtigem mineralischen edelkratzputz privathaus coesfeld leicht unterputz und einem dickschichtigem mineralischen edelkratzputz testfoto klicken um es zu vergrößern ... lübbesmeyerweg 17 • 48653 coesfeld tel.: 02541 / 3243 • fax: 02541 / 83113 e-mail: diese e-mail-adresse ist vor spambots geschützt! zur anzeige muss javascript eingeschaltet sein! web: webdesign joomla! plg_debug_title plg_debug_session __default session.counter → 1 session.timer.start → 1532827735 session.timer.last → 1532827735 → 1532827735 session.client.browser → mozilla/5.0 (compatible; msie 10.0; windows nt 6.1; wow64; trident/6.0) registry → {} user id → 0 name → username → email → password → password_clear → usertype → block → sendemail → 0 registerdate → lastvisitdate → activation → params → groups → guest → 1 lastresettime → resetcount → aid → 0 plg_debug_profile_information application 0.000 seconds (+0.000); 0.80 mb (+0.805) - afterload application 0.025 seconds (+0.024); 2.96 mb (+2.160) - afterinitialise application 0.025 seconds (+0.000); 2.97 mb (+0.000) - afterroute application 0.095 seconds (+0.070); 3.78 mb (+0.819) - afterdispatch application 0.111 seconds (+0.015); 3.89 mb (+0.104) - beforerendermodule mod_custom (footer-right - customhtml) application 0.119 seconds (+0.009); 3.91 mb (+0.020) - afterrendermodule mod_custom (footer-right - customhtml) application 0.119 seconds (+0.000); 3.91 mb (-0.002) - beforerendermodule mod_custom (footer addresse) application 0.120 seconds (+0.000); 3.91 mb (+0.004) - afterrendermodule mod_custom (footer addresse) application 0.120 seconds (+0.000); 3.91 mb (-0.003) - beforerendermodule mod_custom (aktuelle projekte) application 0.121 seconds (+0.001); 3.91 mb (+0.007) - afterrendermodule mod_custom (aktuelle projekte) application 0.121 seconds (+0.000); 3.91 mb (-0.001) - beforerendermodule mod_menu (main menu) application 0.134 seconds (+0.013); 3.97 mb (+0.053) - afterrendermodule mod_menu (main menu) application 0.134 seconds (+0.000); 3.96 mb (-0.007) - beforerendermodule mod_custom (start-banner - customhtml) application 0.135 seconds (+0.001); 3.96 mb (+0.003) - afterrendermodule mod_custom (start-banner - customhtml) application 0.139 seconds (+0.004); 3.98 mb (+0.014) - afterrender plg_debug_memory_usage 3.95 mb (4,144,600 bytes) plg_debug_queries plg_debug_queries_logged select `data` from ` jos_session ` where `session_id` = 'mliqelrnkhfv8rfqhf0nd4g4a7' delete from ` jos_session ` where `time` < '1532826835' select `session_id` from ` jos_session ` where `session_id` = 'mliqelrnkhfv8rfqhf0nd4g4a7' limit 0, 1 insert into ` jos_session ` (`session_id`, `client_id`, `time`) values ('mliqelrnkhfv8rfqhf0nd4g4a7', 0, '1532827735') select extension_id as id, element as "option", params, enabled from jos_extensions where `type` = 'component' and `element` = 'com_users' select from jos_usergroups as a left join jos_usergroups as b on b.lft < = a.lft and b.rgt > = a.rgt where = 1 select id, rules from ` jos_viewlevels ` select folder as type, element as name, params from jos_extensions where enabled > = 1 and type = 'plugin' and state > = 0 and access in (1,1) order by ordering select extension_id as id, element as "option", params, enabled from jos_extensions where `type` = 'component' and `element` = 'com_languages' select extension_id as id, element as "option", params, enabled from jos_extensions where `type` = 'component' and `element` = 'com_chameleon' select, m.menutype, m.title, m.alias, m.note, m.path as route,, m.type, m.level, m.language,m.browsernav, m.access, m.params, m.home, m.img, m.template_style_id, m.component_id, m.parent_id,e.element as component from jos_menu as m left join jos_extensions as e on m.component_id = e.extension_id where m.published = 1 and m.parent_id > 0 and m.client_id = 0 order by m.lft select * from jos_languages where published = 1 order by ordering asc select extension_id as id, element as "option", params, enabled from jos_extensions where `type` = 'component' and `element` = 'com_menus' select r. * from jos_chameleon_rule as r where r.published = 1 order by r.ordering select extension_id as id, element as "option", params, enabled from jos_extensions where `type` = 'component' and `element` = 'com_content' select id, home, template, s.params from jos_template_styles as s left join jos_extensions as e on e.element = s.template and e.type = 'template' and e.client_id = s.client_id where s.client_id = 0 and e.enabled = 1 select a.rules from jos_assets as a where ( = 1) group by, a.rules, a.lft select b.rules from jos_assets as a left join jos_assets as b on b.lft < = a.lft and b.rgt > = a.rgt where ( = 'com_content' or a.parent_id = 0) group by, b.rules, b.lft order by b.lft select, a.asset_id, a.title, a.alias, a.title_alias, a.introtext, a.fulltext, case when is null then a.state else 0 end as state, a.mask, a.catid, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias, case when a.modified = 0 then a.created else a.modified end as modified, a.modified_by, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.publish_up, a.publish_down, a.images, a.urls, a.attribs, a.version, a.parentid, a.ordering, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.access, a.hits, a.metadata, a.featured, a.language, a.xreference,c.title as category_title, c.alias as category_alias, c.access as category_access, as author, as contactid,parent.title as parent_title, as parent_id, parent.path as parent_route, parent.alias as parent_alias, round (v.rating_sum / v.rating_count, 0) as rating, v.rating_count as rating_count from jos_content as a left join jos_categories as c on = a.catid left join jos_users as u on = a.created_by left join ( select contact.user_id, max ( as id, contact.language from jos_contact_details as contact where contact.published = 1 group by contact.user_id, contact.language) as contact on contact.user_id = a.created_by left join jos_categories as parent on = c.parent_id left join jos_content_rating as v on = v.content_id left outer join ( select as id from jos_categories as cat join jos_categories as parent on cat.lft between parent.lft and parent.rgt where parent.extension = 'com_content' and parent.published < = 0 group by as badcats on = where = 44 and (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or a.publish_up < = '2018-07-29 01:28:55') and (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or a.publish_down > = '2018-07-29 01:28:55') and (a.state = 1 or a.state = 2) select c. * , case when char_length (c.alias) then concat_ws (':',, c.alias) else end as slug from jos_categories as c left join jos_categories as s on (s.lft < = c.lft and s.rgt > = c.rgt) or (s.lft > c.lft and s.rgt < c.rgt) left join ( select as id from jos_categories as cat join jos_categories as parent on cat.lft between parent.lft and parent.rgt where parent.extension = 'com_content' and parent.published ! = 1 group by as badcats on = where (c.extension = 'com_content' or c.extension = 'system') and c.access in (1,1) and c.published = 1 and = 19 and is null group by, c.asset_id, c.access, c.alias, c.checked_out, c.checked_out_time, c.created_time, c.created_user_id, c.description, c.extension, c.hits, c.language, c.level, c.l